"America's first-ever book-less library will open in San Antonio's Bexar County in the fall of 2013"
The city of San Antonio (US) will become the precursor of a new trend, by opening a library that will only provide desks, chairs, lamps... kindles, computers and tablets!
Poeple living around this library will then be able to borrow e-readers to bring home for 2 weeks, on which they will have access to database of the library. After these 2 weeks, the e-reader will be de-activated, and the borrower will not be able to use it anymore.
Some limits though, according to the CSMonitor:
- Some communities are not ready for it yet, and this could involve more staff expenses to help train people get familiar with digital books;
- A lot of content is not available in a digital format;
- A library is a meeting point, a social place where people are supposed to gather and discuss about their favourite stories for example; we can wonder whether this digitally-oriented place will connect people better than a traditional library...
What is your opinion about this new generation of library? "Progressive or pointless*"?
* Best comments on SodaHead:
"Isn't that like having a restaurant with no food?"
"Isn't a library without books called a "compuer lab"?"
HAHA ;-)
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