Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Business Owners? Think of the Google Webmaster Academy!

Although SEO and Google Rankings may seem like an obscure science to the novice or the individual business owner, it's worth knowing that Google takes the time to 'explain' the basics so that you can understand and optimize your site and social noise.

Click here to see join the Academy...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

User Experience for Search Engine Optimization

Originally posted on my marketing blog

"Create consumer-friendly web pages" is a common answer to the question "How to get my business indexed on Google 1st page ?"

But what does "consumer-friendly" really mean ?

It means that the overall content of your web pages should be optimized to :
1- attract the consumers' attention
2- keep their attention
3- encourage them to share your pages

Content optimization therefore takes into account "eye-catching design" and "relevant text", but not only ... read the presentation below !

User Experience for SEO from Emilie Alba

(French) article about online user experience you might be interested in, by @futuremkrs