Wednesday, November 23, 2016

#Mobile User Centric - Essential to Travel Bookings

Digital Centric, digital transformation specialist, delivers key insight to mobile travel bookings.

Insightful post on mobile travel bookings - how to stand out:
  • Simplified, actionable for small screen on-the-go user - on site actions should be 'thumbable'
  • Personalized, relevant offers - more focused, opposite of 'all offers' on desktop
  • Deliver valuable travel experiences, at the right price

Key Quote:
Now, the most successful travel companies are the ones who can personalize the user’s experience by filtering through hundreds of potential itineraries to recommend a smaller set that fits the customers destination, schedule, and budget.

Full post on #Mobile Travel Bookings - Digital Centric - Digital Trends Insights @CentricDigital

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Prizm - The musical brain

We all have different types of favorite music. 
And it's hard sometimes to find the right one that will suit everyone. 
Well Prizm found a way to solve your problem.

This innovative startup created a device that will allow you to listen to the type of music you enjoy, and cross it with your friend's favorite music.

This device is music intelligent, it crosses everyone's favorite type of music to get the perfect one.

If M. X likes Rock'n Roll and Ms. Y likes classical music, Prizm will find the best music for both of them.

You don't need phone or computer anymore, all musical informations are stocked on soundcloud and deeper that are integrated to the device.

It can be use in many different cases. If you are at a party, with family, cooking and even for hospitality.

The device is linked to a bracelet that recorder all your preferences. If you give your music preferences to your booking the receptionist will take care of it, so at your check-in you'll receive your  bracelet. When you'll enter the room not only you will listent to music but it will be your favorite.

Hope you'll have the chance to use it, and enjoy it.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Pretty streets

Quelles sont les plus belles rues de Paris ou de Toulouse?
Comment me rendre au Parisis en passant par les rues les plus typiques des environs.

L'application Pretty Streets vous aide à faire cela.

Simple à utiliser et disponible sur iPhone, Smartphone et montre connectée vous n'avez plus d'excuse!

L'application prend en considération le temps que vous avez, vos centres d'intérêt et à partir de là, pretty streets vous donnent le plus beau chemin à prendre!

Alors profitez-en et dite nous ce que vous en avez pensé :)

Monday, November 7, 2016

BMW Start Up Garage - Unique Co-Developer Program - Automotive Innovation

BMW International Innovation Center launched BMW Start Up Garage

The Start Up Garage is a very original approach to automotive industry innovation...identify start ups + co-develop industry transformational tech.

Start Ups applicants must meet some very high level criteria, including accelerator 'graduation' or initial funding.  BMW as a co-developer + global business partner, they are looking for industry disruptors...BMW is a 'Venture Client', differs dramatically from investor.

Not only industry tech innovation, BMW has created an innovative business original 'recipe' of expertise, world class test vehicle, global distribution partnership + assurance of purchase for the refined product or service...oh, the start up gets to keep their IP.

We can't wait to see what comes out of the Start Up Garage!

Friday, November 4, 2016

DringMe - General Hotel Paris

Le General Hôtel est un hôtel situé non loin de république. Celui-ci offre un décor très moderne et propose, aujourd'hui, un service que l'on ne trouve pas fréquemment.
L'hôtel équipe votre chambre d’un smartphone gratuitement pour rester connecté 24h/24, pendant votre séjour. En plus des offres avantageuses, en direct sur notre site, ce service vous permet de rester en contact avec les équipes de l'hôtel et de vivre Paris comme un vrai Parisien.

Votre portable dringme inclus :
la 4G en illimitée, ainsi que le partage de connexion sur votre téléphone
Les appels gratuits et illimités en France, Europe, US et Canada
Une sélection pointue des meilleures adresses parisiennes de bars et restaurants
Réservation d’attractions, musées et tours
Plans et GPS partout dans Paris
Bouton Concierge et Le Cab

Vous pouvez donc réserver votre prochain séjour au Général Hôtel ici.