Friday, September 27, 2013

Sleeping with strangers for a hotel discount?

Sleeping with strangers could easily be a title for a thriller. But in that case, instead of fear, this might bring a little happiness, especially for those who love a good bargain. 

In the latest sharing economy trend, this website has been created for travelers who don’t mind sleeping with strangers to save a few dollars. 

One room, two beds
The premise: given that hotels and resorts charge guests per room and night, Easynest allows solo travelers to shack up with fellow lodgers so that everyone can slash their hotel bill in half “…and make new friends.”

After signing up with Easynest, users link their profile with social networking accounts such as Facebook and Twitter for virtual introductions. The more complete and fleshed-out the profile, the more likely guests will send requests.

After listing the hotel with dates and location, fellow users with similar travel itineraries can peruse the site and contact hosts.

The concept behind Easynest isn’t far behind that of Couchsurfing, where homeowners open up their living rooms, guest rooms and couches to strangers. But for some (or many) going to a strangers house might be too much. For those, Easynest is a good compromise. 

Looking for a companion to keep you company for part or all of your trip? TravBuddy is another site that pairs up open-minded, adventurous solo travelers with likeminded holidaymakers.

So, do you think hotels will like that? On one hand, they could be selling "half" the rooms, but on the other hand, they might have guests that weren't going to the hotel in the first place... 

Too old for a hostel, too cheap for a hotel? This could be the solution...

Let us know what you think!


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hospitality Now - Ministry of Ideas at Le Miami = visionary + courageous

Collectives of diverse hospitality innovators may replace traditional industry least it feels that way at Le Miami. 

The founders' vision  =
The contemporary definition of luxury isn’t about money. It’s about creating an inimitable experience based on style, space, wellbeing, content, design, authenticity, storytelling, urbanity and innovation. The future belongs to the pioneers with the capacity and bravery to act on this cultural shift first. Our purpose is to identify and unite them.
An excellent conversation starter presented by Seth Godin - key take away - average is a race to the bottom.

Absolutely worth the viewing time.

Seth Godin at LE Miami's Ministry of Ideas from LE Miami on Vimeo.