Friday, March 28, 2014

#Estrategias: Posibles #clientes en #Reservaciones Directas para los hoteles!

Atraer a los clientes a reservar directamente  
(sin entrar en conflicto con las OTA)

En +FUTURE MAKERS  compartimos con ustedes algunas estrategias sencillas que pueded ser utilizadas para convertir posibles clientes en reservaciones y ventas directas. 

Has notado que cada vez es mas dificil hubicarse en la 1er pàgina de los buscadores

que inclusive, cuando logras que tu hotel este en la 1er pàgina,  no significa que se convertira en una reservaciôn directa?

Basado en la experienca con la que cuenta +Oneglobe Network en el marketing digital en la hoteleria, Hemos hecho un pequeño anâlisis de la situaciôn... 

Es por ello que queremos darte algunas estrategias que hemos estado analizando para incrementar el nûmero de RESERVACIONES DIRECTAS para tu hotel! 

           -Crea paquetes y promociones a traves de las redes sociales.
-Desarrolla un sistema de fidelizaciôn con tus clientes. 
-Envia e-mails con descuentos para la prôxima compra o su prôxima visita.
-Asegurate que tu sitio Web tiene a la vista y muy clara la secciôn de "reserva aquî" y "free WIFI"
-Trata de cautivar los clientes que interactuan contigo a traves de sus comentarios en sitios  como TripAdvisor. 
-Puedes crear una guîa de recomendaciones para tus clientes de products y servicios que pueden consumir o aprovechar al rededor de tu marca. (Utiliza Pinterest y crea una estrategia para que tus recomendaciones puedan ser compartidas en las redes sociales) 
-A traves de un blog alimenta de manera constante todas tus redes sociales con artîculos de calidad. (Abre una puerta de acceso directo para cautivar mas clientes) 
          -Para dar a conocer la marca, utiliza imagenes atractivas, informacion clara e interesante, y no olvides sellar con el logo de la empresa!  

Si te interesa saber un poco mas sobre estas estrategias no dudes en dejarnos tus comentarios!

#Stratégies #Direct Click pour les #hôtels indépendants

+FUTURE MAKERS vous proposes quelques stratégies peux onéreuse pour contourner Google Adwords dans les résultats organiques.

Actuellement, il est impératif que le lien direct de hôtel soit le plus visible possible sans avoir forcément à taper le nom de votre hôtel car les OTA's sont liées ) Google Adwords dans les résultats organiques lorsque l'on effectue une recherche.

Comment entraîner plus de direct-click sur votre site internet 


  1. Créer un sous domaine de distribution avec un service econciergedans le site web de votre hôtel
  2. Mettrelesousdomaineaccessibledanstousvosemailsetpartageable.
  3. Rendrele site et le sous domaineutilisablesurMobile et tablet
  4. Afficher des images différentes que celle proposées sur les OTA’s
  5. Créer du contenu à travers un blog ou autres

Thursday, March 27, 2014

#digitalmarketing DEAD - move to Marketing in #Digital Era

+Unilever Senior SVP of #globalmarketing Marc Mathieu gave an enlightened interview in Sydney.  He stated that digital marketing is no longer a sub-specialty of marketing as 'everything is digital' and that today's marketers should know how to code....a significant skill set change.

Full interview here in

Monday, March 24, 2014

#loungeup on Digitizing #hotel Guest Experience

+LoungeUp shared an excellent overview of the impact of smartphones on hotel guest service expectations.

In short, travelers' expectations for digitally delivered hotel services are driven by their experiences across the spectrum of providers.

Key Quote

Today’s travellers are increasingly using their devices to plan and organise their itineraries, but they are often disappointed when a hotel’s digital experience doesn’t match up to the standard of many other major industries these days such as banking, retail, airlines and restaurants. After all, travellers are perhaps the most likely candidates of all smartphone users to want to remain connected through the means of a simple device.

Full Lounge Up blog post here.

Mobile Service Expectations infographic from  the MCD study - full study here.

As all the major brands roll out mobile apps for check in, check out, room service + other hotel services, independent hotels will need cost effective solutions to keep pace....and keep customers!!

Lounge Up hotel service app is a leader in the multilingual solution for independent hotels and groups essential compete in the digitally delivered hotel guest services race.  Video client interview here.

+Avodah visa #chine sur la route du thé

+Avodah Visa en ligne vous propose de vivre l'expérience unique du thé en #chine.

Le thé tient une place très importante dans la culture chinoise que ce soit dans la consommation de tous les jours ou bien pour ses bienfaits sur la santé.

En #chine, on distingue 6 sortes de thés :

- Thé Vert
- Thé Oolong
- Thé Pu Er
- Thés Jaunes
- Thés Blancs
- Thés Noirs

Pour plus d'information nous vous suggérons de lire ce super article sur la route du thé de Morgane qui vous donnera certainement envie d'aller voir cette traditions par vous même.

Si la #chine et sa culture vous intéresses n'hésitez pas à vous rendre sur le site Avodah visa N°1 de visa en ligne . Vous y trouverez tout ce qu'il vous faudra pour organiser au mieux votre voyage au meilleur prix.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

+haikudeck makes presentation #powerfull #easy and #pretty in few minutes

+FUTURE MAKERS  tried for you +Haiku Deck a easy way to make #inovative presentation in few minutes on Laptop, Mobile or Tablet and share it.

          • Beautiful looking presentation
          • Very usefull on Ipad and web browser as well
          • Pitch an Idea
          • Teach a lesson
          • Tell a story

In this post we will see how to use it, this advantages and disadvantages.

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

Monday, March 17, 2014

+sabieu launches #elearning = #SABIgo

+SABIeu announces SABIgo adding e-learning capabilities to the school's Executive Education programs. 

The Executive Education modules are focused on leading edge, actionable topics enabling busy professionals to progress their careers in this digital era.  I am pleased to be part of the team developing certificate modules for Gen C participants and am responsible for Global Digital Marketing sessions.

SABI Promo video from SABI on Vimeo.

Global Digital Marketing topics will include Digital Signage, Mobile + Multi-screen Marketing, SMO Social Media Optimization + more hot topics in the future.  SABIgo aims to expand on-the-job learning with smart, focused modules.

+Hipmunk Everywhere #cross-platform search = beyond responsive design

+Hipmunk tech team recognized that multi-device users use multple screens to complete search + #travel #bookings.  To assure reaching customers ' reach consumers anywhere, anytime, and from any device.' Hipmunk has launched Hipmunk Everywhere - details here on their blog.

This new feature, along with Hipmunk apps, raises the bar beyond responsive design creating easy, seamless hotel and travel booking experience.  As users need to log in to access Everywhere, Hipmunk gathers significant data on users travel planning + booking process.

It will be very interesting to see which travel sites and meta-search engines follow Hipmunk's lead.

Friday, March 14, 2014

#SwitchEmbassy + #tshirtOS = tech geek chic trend

At our Paris Think Tank last month, T shirt OS was showcased + the basis for our Innovation Contest

Now @SwitchEmbassy created TshirtOS  big buzz hit at SXSW!

Great to see that our Paris Think Tank was ahead of the tech geek chic trend.
Bravo #tshirtOS


Monday, March 10, 2014

#Hotels Organic Search Results - AdWords Inserted

If you are a #hotelmaketing person, I am sure you have noticed the infiltration of drop down booking boxes within your OWN hotel name search results.

     To view - look at > $rate - underneath the description + before the address

Why this is happening
  • Google Adwords is inserting OTAs + other 3rd parties, when users search by your hotel name.
  • That means that, + other major OTA links are visible in the reservation drop down box - ahead of the hotel's own site
  • 3rd Parties are using your hotel name as a result of your hotel's inclusion in distribution
Why this matters
  • It is likely that 3rd Party bookings will increase
  • Hotels, particularly independents, will need alternative revenue sources to offset likely commissions increase
Initial Research

Hotel direct clicks offset ot as - oneglobe strategies from Oneglobe Network OGN-Xtra


  • My team and I here at Oneglobe Network are currently testing some workaround solutions for #hotels
  • +oneglobe craig will publish #directclick strategies this week, they include:
    • use of subdomain + distribution of same
    • set up of ancillary revenue sources
    • tactics to make the brand name hotel website a better visitor experience than OTAs
If anyone else is working on this issue, we would be happy to collaborate.
Just let me know, craig @