Friday, September 30, 2016

From computer to mobile : The new consumer behavior

"Take a moment to think back to how you got information before smartphones existed. You probably printed directions before a road trip (or relied on a paper map you already had). Maybe you looked up movie times in the newspaper. Maybe you called a store to check its hours (or just took your chances and showed up, hoping to see the "open" sign)."

This article explains in 3 points the importance of mobile in today's marketing. Mobile must be included in our day to day business, including the behavior of consumerson their mobile.

Here are the 3 points:

    • The moments of need, people turn to their phones and seacher
    • mobile helps people make decisions when they're ready to buy
    • mobile search is used for more then immediate needs
See the full article :

This can be applied to the hospitality market. Take a look at Le Littre Hotel who offers a exculsive Mobile rate For consumers using Mobile for Booking

Is your site ready for mobile? See if it is thumbable

Le General Hotel - Patisserie Master Classes - Uniquely Parisien

 Les Master Classes par Carl MARLETTI

Recently refreshed, creating an urban social ambiance,  Hotel Le General Paris organizes special events designed to delight.  October 5 is a first Master Class with Paris' Carl MARLETTI.

Known for his creative creations, the Master Class offers unique opportunity to share his talents - the session features
  • Le MONT BLANC en verrine
  • Le MONT BLANC dressé à l’assiette

A true Art de Vivre experience - join in at Le General Hotel Paris Republique.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Convecteur Youtube

Nous passons tous beaucoup de temps sur Youtube, à écouter les vieilles musiques de notre enfance ou alors seulement à regarder des reportages.

Mais pour cela, il vous faut rester en ligne sur Youtube afin de regarder et d'écouter la vidéo en entier.

Voila une solution simple et pratique de regarder vos vidéos et d'écouter vos musiques dans le métro, sans réseau.

Pour cela il vous faudra utiliser ConvYoutube qui est très facile à utiliser et vous permet de télécharger vos vidéos youtube, ou seulement la piste son.

Il est également possible de convertir des extrais de vidéos en Gif.

N'hésitez donc pas à l'utiliser pour télécharger vos musiques, sketches d'humoristes préférés ou documentaires sur les oiseaux de la forêt Amazonienne.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

"Un pas de plus vers le mobile first" ? Marionnaud se lance vers l'avenir

Le 12 septembre 2016 Marionnaud annonça le lancement d'une toute nouvelle application mobile proposant de nouveaux services.

Le directeur marketing cite "Un pas de plus vers le "mobile first" ? "Tout à fait. Le mobile est aujourd'hui l'instrument par essence de la relation personnalisée et notre application est une solution qui intègre Marionnaud au cœur du mobile". 

Cela démontre l'importance qu'a le mobile dans le marketing aujourd’hui
Marionaud a conçu cette application sur 2 bases :
  • Personnalisation et fidélisation
  • Fluidifier le parcours-client

Cette application a été conçus pour être complètement thumbable.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Vurb l'application qui sectionne les activités autour de vous!

Cette application vous permet de sélectionner les différents centres d'intérêts dans votre zone géographique afin de vous constituer une liste d'activités.

L'application est très facile à utiliser et vous pouvez vous inscrire directement grâce à Facebook. Elle est disponible sur Android et IOS.

Vurb est très facile à utiliser et vous permet de faciliter vos sorties.

A partir de cette application, vous pouvez effectuer une réservation pour l'un des restaurants  sélectionnés, géolocaliser le lieux directement avec votre GPS, et enfin il est meme possible de commander un Uber pour vous emmener à votre activité.

Toutes les activités autour de vous, qu'il agisse d'un restaurant, d'un musée, d'une bibliothèque, un théâtre ou une salle de concert. Vous pouvez donc créer votre propre liste d'endroits où vous souhaitez aller, et également créer une liste de vos activités préférées.

Il est également possible de partager vos plans avec vos amis grâce à Vurb Chat. Cela vous permet de mieux organiser vos soirées ou après-midis car vous pouvez partager toutes les informations concernant le lieu et ce qui est proposé.

N'hésitez pas à créer vos listes au plus vite, afin d'être au courant des nouveautés de votre région, comme pour l'hôtel le Parisis.

Vurb a été créé pour les mobiles, ce qui fait de cette application un outil tout a fait thumbable.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Explore #Montparnasse La Plume by Hotel Le Littre Top Spots

Fromagerie Rue Daguerre Paris 14

Hotel Le Littre Paris Montparnasse publishes a super guide online - Le Plume du Littre.  Readers can enjoy tips + insider info about Montparnasse neighborhood - within steps of the hotel's location.

Visitors to the Hotel Le Littre guide have many recommendations for exploration in this historic and artistic area.

Fabulous Artists lived and worked in the quartier... among them Cocteau, Modigliani, Apollinaire, Gauguin, Matisse, le Douanier Rousseau.  Visits to their studios and haunts such as Cafe Le Dome Or Le Coupole inspire creativity.

A favorite stroll is Rue DaGuerre, a pedestrian street market loaded with cafes, bakeries and unique boutiques is a flash back in time -  Paris neighborhood experience.

Fantastic Markets on Rue Daguerre Paris 14

Hotel Le Littre is so central to many authentic Paris neighborhoods - La Plume online is a great starting point to plan your explorations.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Last Mile Club = genius - inflight social share + uber ride share #techcrunchdisrupt

Last Mile Club a #techcrunchdisrupt hackathon winner is a well deserved genius idea.   

It is an ingenious combination that 

  • empowers passengers on the same flight to make contact 
  • identify those traveling to same area from the airport
  • to split rides - share fares via Uber or Lyft 
View Last Mile Club's excellent slide can see why this concept makes so much sense!!

Last Mile Club #techcrunchdisrupt

  Key difference - IMO
Last Mile Club, however, is designed to be integrated into the airline’s Android-based in-flight entertainment system.

Social Benefit - quote developer Tommy Chan
 "I was looking at this from a carbon footprint perspective,” 

Full TechCrunch article - Last Mile Club helps Find Fellow Passengers that  Want to Split a Cab.

Be sure to watch the video presentation!!

Last Mile Club = genius - inflight social share + uber ride share #techcrunchdisrupt

Last Mile Club a #techcrunchdisrupt hackathon winner is a well deserved genius idea.   

It is an ingenious combination that 

  • empowers passengers on the same flight to make contact 
  • identify those traveling to same area from the airport
  • to split rides - share fares via Uber or Lyft 
View Last Mile Club's excellent slide can see why this concept makes so much sense!!

Last Mile Club #techcrunchdisrupt

Key difference - IMO
Last Mile Club, however, is designed to be integrated into the airline’s Android-based in-flight entertainment system.

Social Benefit - quote developer Tommy Chan
 "I was looking at this from a carbon footprint perspective,” 

Full TechCrunch article - Last Mile Club helps Find Fellow Passengers that  Want to Split a Cab.

Friday, September 9, 2016

#Hotel Mobile Bookings - Think User #Experience - UX

Trust You 2 Part Series Helps Hotels Attract Mobile Bookings

As hotel bookings by mobile device have passed desktop sites, independent hotels need action steps to stay in sync with their on-the-go guests.

Key points for attracting + converting mobile travelers: 

  • Content is King
  • Consider User Experience - UX
  • Be Flexible
User experience stands out, IMO.
  • Travelers on mobile are task oriented - get something done
  • They are often multi-tasking - walking, commuting, in a taxi
  • Their expectations for fast results is higher than on desktop
Mobile site design must be mobile USER friendly - we call that thumbable;
  • Easy to book - with a thumb or finger tap
  • Easy to contact hotel - click to call with thumb or finger tap
  • Easy to find - map function on entry page - access with thumb.
In short, RWD - responsive web design - may fit the screen but are NOT sufficiently suited to mobile user needs.  Mobile dedicated + RWD = MMR (maximum mobile reach)

2 examples - UX + CX designed mobile sites

Hotel Le Littre Montaparnesse Mobile Site

Hotel Mama Shelter Paris

Full Trust You  Part 2 article here - Hotels Prepared for Mobile Bookings

Part 1 article here - Mobile Conversions Technology

Mobile Smart Hotels Site

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Social as #GuestService 24/7 AirFrance advert - travellers service touchpoints

Social = travel hotel #guest service point!! 

Air France uses @youtube advertising to promote 24/7 traveler services via their social networks.  

This is so smart!!  Most travelers are on mobile, multitasking + want immediate answers.

Mobile + Messenger + Service = traveler expectations....a must for #hotels and travel industry.

How to accomplish?  Not quite as easy - staff orientation,  Bots + AI are the key elements.

If your independent hotel needs some insight or help, please contact us.  Social -mobile as #hotel Service touchpoints is our specialty....we are happy to share.

Liz Craig

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Travel #hotel booking bot boom = Messenger + chatbot + AI

Will mobile users have a conversation via Facebook Messenger + then book?  Major OTAs and brands seem to think so.

Tnooz article - Travel Queries on Facebook Messenger is concise rundown.

Why does it make sense ?

In others words, customers are already there + talking - the business opportunity is to join the conversation (mindfully).

What does a chatbot booking feel like?  This Iceland Air vid is excellent!

Other leaders in the book-by-chat field include:

Not an exhaustive list....just the beginning.

Next - chatbots + human role in #hotel guest service.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Chef's Table on #Netflix - France sensuous

The trailer for  Chef's Table on NetFlix series is simply sumptuous and sensuous....visuals, voices, music - so rich, so filling.  I don't know if I 'have room' for the full sessions on France!!

Enjoy!! Indulge!!!

I discovered The Chef's Table via this Vox article - Merci!!

Thursday, September 1, 2016


How about making your tweets different?

Well you can stand out of the crowd by using this new tool.
This Google Chrome Extension will make the difference.

It's free and usable for all of your tweets.

BeDazzle allows you to change the typo of your tweets so you can make it more original.
It's easy to use, free, and eye catching!

So don't hesitate to download your google chrome extension here.