Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Keyword - Google's All Everything Blog

Google's new blog The Keyword is an uber-organization of all Google's diverse news, products + topics.  The Keyword is well designed to help users migrate to a single Google source - in the spirit of a Swiss Army Knife.

The Keyword Blog by Google

A quote from Android Guys describes it well:

So why should you care? Ultimately, this benefits all of us. For readers, you now only have one resource to visit when you want to read all of Google’s news and releases. Don’t worry, you won’t have to replace all of your bookmarks either. Old bookmarks and feeds automatically redirect to The Keyword.

In addition to go-and-search, The Keyboard has multiple delivery options to the platform of your choice.  Well done Google The Keyword Team!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Une leçon de voltige à Paris

Voici une nouvelle vue de Paris.
L'organisme My Little Paris à réalisé une vidéo forte en sensations qui nous fait voyager sur les toits de Paris.
Durant ces 1min et 45secs vous allez découvrir la vue parisienne à partir des toits haussmannien qui représentent si bien la ville lumière. 

On vous laisse visionner, n'hésitez pas à nous dire ce que vous en pensez.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Google Indexes #Mobile Content 1st, Desktop 2nd

One more reason that hotels need a mobile focus site PLUS Responsive main site...Google indexes mobile content first.

Hotels Mobile Site Google Index 1st

Key Quote:
"Google's shift toward mobile-first indexing, which the company hinted at last year, will finally come to fruition.
The search engine historically crawled sites and pages across the Web and then determined the relationship between the content and mobile devices before ranking pages based on the desktop version, according to one report. 

Now the company will index mobile content first and desktop second, making the mobile index the primary index."
Source: MediaPost 

What does this mean for Independent Hotels?
  • A responsive main site is suited for Desktop + tablets...but needs to be augmented with a Mobile USER friendly site.
    • Positive User experience drives direct bookings
  • Mobile site content text needs to be differentiated from OTAs text - not compete with their text
  • Mobile site text needs to be differentiated from the hotel's main site text
    • Shorter - bullet point - minimal scrolling - thumbable
    • Use key terms that focus on convenience, mobile USER benefits such as 'nearby'
  • SEO tactics - more concise, local search driven, individual page URLs
For those of you who are tech oriented, there is an excellent rundown for Mobile Design + Optimization on Moz.

Read the full article - Google Focus on Mobile First Indexing

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hospitality Food Tech Innovation Jumpstart = MetroTechstars Accelerator

F&B, Hospitality innovation in digital times, success is fueled by external support - MetroTechstars is a powerhouse for start ups.

"The METRO Accelerator powered by Techstars is a highly selective mentorship program for digital and technology startups across the entire value chain of hospitality and food tech."

Large companies frequently innovate via in-house initiatives BUT breakthrough concepts can come from individuals (think Facebook’s start) or small start ups.

Accelerators invest funds, expertise and peripheral support, such as legal, accounting to get platforms, programs, tools into the user marketplace - at the speed of digital.  MetroTechstars selects 10 start ups projected to change F&B hospitality performance.  

Check out MetroTechstars Accelerator portfolio

Cheerfy - combines an app for customers’ wearable with preference data and recognizes that customer via geo-fencing.

Smunch - ‘smart team lunch’ platform combines healthy meals, delivered as a group order from a different participating restaurant each day.

Smart startups solve problems, create win-win-win opportunities.

Accelerate your F&B, Restaurant, hospitality tech perspectives at MetroTechstars Blog.

Hospitality-Next, dedicated to industry innovation, will explore some of the exciting innovations designed by these startups.

Monday, October 17, 2016

What about designing with Desygner

There are many ways nowadays to create new images and make them special.
We have already talked about Notegraphy that can be used to optimize an image illustrated by a picture.

Desygner is different and can be used in so many ways to improve your images!

This platform is really easy to use, and a lot of different template are available to make your work different than the other.
You can work on Desygner from your computer or even your phone, and it won't make it harder.

So don't wait it is available on the App Store and Google Play.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Merci Millennials - Mobile Powered #Hotels for Everyone

As Hotels and accommodation providers design + create to win the coveted millennial market, those of us who want the same features win too!

As a maxi-millennial (read - boomer), I seek the same services + ambiance that millennials look for in hotels and alternative accommodations.

A brief list:

  • Totally digitally connected - fast free WiFi everywhere
  • Mobile self empowered services and personalized options
  • Design style touches BUT affordable rates
  • Interesting experiences - localized, authentic
  • Social spaces - especially if shared - guests, locals and visitors
  • Environmentally aware - Fair Trade or organic offerings
  • Healthful food offerings - available on demand
  • Friendly, helpful staff - informal (not scripted) approach
Some hotels have been out in front delivering 'millennial' experiences.  My favorites are:
So, the reality is millennials is a mindset - lifestyle - not an age group - as shared at the Annual Hotel Conference UK - reported by Big Hospitality

Thank you millennials - hotels have broken free from 'standardization' of experiences - it is much more fun.

@medium - smarter = more well read

Medium is so smart +  makes me smarter ... great new feature, the articles can be read aloud to me!!

Now more well read means listening!

Medium's mission:

Medium connects you with voices and perspectives that matter

Look how Medium articles are voice connected:

Here are my tips on how to maximize Medium's features - listen meaningfully:

So, travel on over to Medium - cut the web noise - gain new perspectives...or share yours!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Innovating Innovation - MarriottTestBED - Accelerator Europe

MarriottTestBED unique  programme  to accelerate tech startups that enhance the travel experience.

If you are a startup with great concept to improve travel experiences, Marriott Hotel Europe could be a power partner.

Ever innovative, Marriott Hotels Europe seeks innovation from the outside.  Their accelerator programme invites startups dedicated to enhancing the travel experience to submit their early stage project.

Marriott TestBED - Hospitality Innovation StartUp Accelerator

The criteria is distinctly traveller focused and challenging
Products or services should comply with the following:
  • Fit within the travel and hospitality sector
  • Can be implemented at a single hotel level
  • Will offer guests a useful tool to explore and discover a city or region
  • or
  • Help Marriott Hotels in Europe better understand their guests wants and needs
  • Does not require heavy integration into global systems
  • Submissions must be made in English
Hurry - Start Up submissions  close 16/10/2016.

Get full Details at MarriottTestBED

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Mobile Audience Growth - Web is Discovery Opportunity

 Mobiforge details #mobile report - apps for engagement - web for discovery

Mobile marketers and developers will value Mobiforge's analysis of Comscore's recent report.  For all of us trying to decide - Mobile site or mobile app, the information is most helpful.  

Decision depends on your business goals:
  • are you building your mobile audience = mobile website -USER centric
  • do you want to increase engagement with mobile users = app
The chart below from the Comscore report clearly shows the growth opportunity.

Another key point is that mobile web is a gateway:

We’ve seen a lot of movement in the mobile web arena over the last year in the shape ofProgressive Web Apps, and the AMP initiative that bears out the importance of  the web as the gateway to further engagement without the same limitations as an app store presents. Outside of the app oligarchs,  the discovery battle may ultimately be won on the web.
An excellent, concise analysis - read Martin Clancy's article "Mobile Audience Growth Web Not Apps" 

Original Post - Mobile Mindset Web not Apps

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Content - More Than a Marketer - Add Value, Useful, #thumbable Renaissance

Today's marketing calls for multidimensional skills, which makes the field both exciting and daunting!  This infographic created by @uberflip - published by @unbounce breaks it down.  

Thanks for the code Unbounce, which makes it easy to share here.


Lots of qualities, instinctively imaginative + oh so curious...makes 'marketers' a special breed.  Agree - "Modern day Renaissance (wo)men, if you will."

I am a big fan of Unbounce and Uberflip - they share learning generously.

Thumb through the graphic on your mobile.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Kind Traveler - Charitable Donations Unlock Hotel Deals - Exclusives

KindTraveler - A Winning Combination - Hotel Deals for Guests' donating to their favorite charities.

This is definitely innovative - 'Do More Than Travel' slogan - says it all!!

A win-win-win combination for guest, hotels and non-profit orgfanizations
  • Hotels win because they are able to offer exclusive deals to a 'private club' of guests, who contribute to THEIR select charity
  • Guests win as rates and offers are private - better than published on OTAs
  • Charities-worthy causes win via donations that are basically micro-fundraising.
Further, Hotel get to show their eco-efforts.  The Kind Stories blog-mag is a worthy read too!!

Kind Traveler - Hotel Deals from Donations

The concept is the brainchild of founders Jessica Blotter and Sean Krejci - and their inspiration story is told in this terrific Conde Nast article.

A beautiful site - fabulous idea for a better world...Kind Traveler

Kind Traveler - Charitable Donations Unlock Hotel Deals - Exclusives

KindTraveler - A Winning Combination - Hotel Deals for Guests' donating to their favorite charities.

This is definitely innovative - 'Do More Than Travel' slogan - says it all!!

A win-win-win combination for guest, hotels and non-profit orgfanizations
  • Hotels win because they are able to offer exclusive deals to a 'private club' of guests, who contribute to THEIR select charity
  • Guests win as rates and offers are private - better than published on OTAs
  • Charities-worthy causes win via donations that are basically micro-fundraising.
Further, Hotel get to show their eco-efforts.  The Kinder Stories blog-mag is a worthy read too!!

Kind Traveler - Hotel Deals from Donations

The concept is the brainchild of founders Jessica Blotter and Sean Krejci - and their inspiration story is told in this terrific Conde Nast article.

A beautiful site - fabulous idea for a better world...Kind Traveler

Rock Your #Mobile Campaign Tips via #Mobilemindset

Some Smart Tips #Mobile Mindset - save time, optimize social media

Lots of common sense advice for making the most of you time.

Key Points:
  • Don't get distracted - stay focused on your content search
  • Create a publishing schedule - on a calendar - frequency, days, times
  • Monitor Metrics
My Favorite:
  • Collect as you go - an idea libary with links and a few comments works for me.

Also in the post are tools to help you maximize time + creativity
  • HootSuite
  • OktoPost
  • Hearsay Social

Read the full Rock Your Mobile Campaign Tips post!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Direct #hotel Bookings - Chatting about Chatbots - Ollerton

Hotel Direct Booking Summit presented chatbot insights by Tom Ollerton of We Are Social. 

 TripTease organized the event in London and definitely illuminated the near future of hotel bookings...and guest multilingual service conversations.

Video - Chatting about Chabots - is well worth the 18 minutes spent viewing.

While early days, Mobile - and subsequently bookings within Facebook Messenger/What's App/WeChat - is not a fad.  A number of major travel players and hotel companies have launched 'conversation bots' that engage + transact.

Chatbots should make bookings - faster, better or cheaper.

Examples include:

Again early days and issues + payment ease are being worked out by industry leaders.

The full article from TripTease Chatting about Chatbots.

My take - 
  • Hotels need to rethink websites as the center of the booking universe
  • Mobile Facebook is used by 80% of the billions that access FB daily
  • People already know how to text - no booking learning curve
  • Rich, visual, engaging notifications are already a Facebook feature
Bottom line - social eco-system will be the booking environment for travellers. Get ready now.