In addition to discussion of Digital Marketing Age of Enlightenment, Mr. Mellor states that Best in Class Marketers have significant financial impact as well as progress the pace of expertise.
Key Results:
- 'best in class' marketing professionals/teams have a significantly higher financial impact - quote below
"In the travel and retail verticals, best-in-class marketers posted a 200% higher conversion rate. The best marketers in finance had 50% higher stickiness. "
- Best in class marketers - they’re getting better at a faster rate than anyone else
- Best in Class is related to Marketing Maturity
The Forbes article is linked to a helpful Digital Marketing Self Assessment tool, permitting readers to rate personal levels of Digital Marketing Maturity.
Interestingly, Digital Marketing Maturity is NOT related to time in grade but use of strategy, alignment with business goals and deployment of effective digital marketing excellent slideshare modeling Digital Marketing Maturity.
H/T SABIUniversity
Full disclosure - I am part of the SABI University team designing Digital Marketing Online Certification Courses to help motivated individuals accomplish Best in Class Digital Marketing skills.